What is the perfect programming language for you?

3 min readNov 18, 2022


Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

I have seen many times in jr. dev, especially the initial day, devs think that I would choose a programming language and that would be my lifetime programming language,

I just want to confess that if you are a developer you need to learn different technology after some time, Dev’s learning never stops because new tech comes out in the market and you should wash your hands with that new tech thing, you need to be relevant as a Developer

Fear of learning?

we all are human and we make mistakes, so we don’t want to mistake any more so that is why we think that, I need to choose a programming language and Become the Master of it and I don’t want to make another mistake learn a new programming language that not gonna help me.

That is our Fear, If we learned a programming language and the programming language not gonna help us then I am in big trouble


Because if you learn any programming language it has there own power for making something with it, suppose you learned python and you feel that Java is Better than Python, so you switch to another language without making any project with your past language that is a bad thing

If you want to familiar with any programming language you should consider Project-based learning, when you make something with your chosen programming language then you realize how beautiful and useful the language is,

Fundamentals are similar for all programming language

As I earlier mentioned You learn python and make some interesting projects using python e.g. Web applications (Django, Flask), Games, Building a calculator, etc.

You just need to learn the core of any language like

  • Variable, Datatype
  • How the programing language works internally
  • conditional(if/else)
  • loops(for, while)
  • function
  • Array, String
  • OOPS (Object oriented programming)

Now you know How python works, and core programming Fundamentals and you are familiar with the syntax of python, Now if you move to any other programming language like Java, c++

now you feel that OMG all Fundamentals are the same as python only syntax is changed but the concept is the same, and logic is the same You feel very confident and very motivated to work with any other programming language because your basis is strong.

Syntax — the mind philosophy

As a Programmer when I work with many languages Then I use this method, how the core is the same only the syntax is different I called this thing “Syntax — the mind Philosophy,

What is Syntax — the mind philosophy?

It is noting only a State of mind that observes the Syntax of any language, let’s see some easy and real-world entities examples to understand better

In the English language we Say “Hello” as a greeting, it signifies that whenever you meet someone you Say “hello” and give smile to the person that shows express of love to another person

same thing in the German language they said “Hallo”, and it means the same thing just the language and Syntax are changed but the feeling is the same

same as programming only syntax is changed but the function is the same


# print Hello world
print("Hello world")


// print Hello world
public class main{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.print("Hello world");


all programming Fundamentals are the same only syntax is changed it does not matter whether you started from C or Java, You just to learn the core and fundamentals of the programming language, once you learn the base concept then you be able to work with any programming language.




I Learn from life and try to share the same experience