My Mon Gave me the name I don’t realize

4 min readJun 21, 2024



I was very frustrated with my traditional and academic name which sounded very orthodox also it is very lengthy, then I realized that I needed a name that could save me from that lengthy name, I am looking for a nickname that can describe myself, my traits, my personality without taking to much space in name text field

Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash


Why I Changed my nickname and put myself a name

As usual, I believe if you are doing something if you know the why, the reason, and the background of the cause, then you can break it into the small and fundamental problems and find a solution That can solve the situation

Let’s start with begging, my dad never appreciated my mom’s words and ignored her advice, the same case with my name, my mom suggested that my name should be _____ but dad never recognized it and just did what he wanted, dad gave me a name which is totally based upon his mindset and bias

I would have appreciated my Dad’s effect on putting my name, but He just did what he feels right, he gave me a name that is very long and orthodox which I don’t like at all, The name doesn’t suit my personality it is a name based upon Hindu mythology characters

Now I can’t change my academic name but I can put myself a name that is more me and aligns with my thoughts and nature, which feel like yup someone is calling me, and yup this name belongs to me, my personal nature and behavior


How I found the name

my mom used to call me Vaibhav, she used to say like: I really wanted to put your name Vaibhav but your dad doesn’t allow that name and that is just becomes a wish which is not very eventual in reality

I was chilling in Discord with some stranger on an English server, I realized that dude I don’t have a good name (online name, which is also a nickname), Then I asked a stranger to suggest a name based upon my nature and personality she suggests some good name one of the good name was praj

I liked that name but I didn’t get the satisfaction of hearing it, I jumped to ChatGPT (The new AI Thing) There I asked hey could you give me a name that sounds indic and also matches my personality, it suggests a lot of names, those are good but those are very repetitive and boring

I was looking for a unique name that matched my traits, again i prompted but it didn’t provide that many unique names that sound good and matched myself

Then I Tried to take inspiration to create a name for myself based upon Hindu astrology (Jyotish), I asked that my zodiac sign is this and could you provide some name that is good for that Nakshatra’s people who belong to that zodiac sign

sadly I could not find any :(


What is the new name?

I don’t know suddenly I got a name in my head called Vaibhav, The meaning of the name is The name “Vaibhav” is of Sanskrit origin and is commonly used in India. It means “prosperity,” “wealth,” “grandeur,” or “magnificence.” It’s often chosen for its positive connotations and the hope that a person named Vaibhav will lead a prosperous and successful life.

I suddenly realized Mon also used to call me Vaibhav, I was surprised to know that my brain remembered that name which Mum used to call with the feeling of love

I started researching about it, and I found that this name also matches my zodiac sign and Nakshatra so according to my Jyotish chart it also aligns with my nature and personality

I realize that I sped half to find a good name, but I had my good name just I didn’t remember that, so the moral and the bottom line is my mom gave me a great name and I just went here and there and to find it but it was already standing with me all the time in my inner body

Bottom Line

I believe all the things that we think all the time like, I have do this I have do that, oh I'm not good at this, how could I improve myself and the list goes on

if you are able to understand your inner voice and believe the voice that provides light and a path when you feel like you are stressed or you stuck somewhere

The mind has enormous capability and credibility you have to understand it, recognize it, think about it, so first try to control you mind and his action and follow the things when the mind provides light upon good things




I Learn from life and try to share the same experience