How to stop yourself when You are stuck in an infinite scrolling Loop?

8 min readMay 3, 2024


I can’t believe I am writing this down I don’t know how many people gonna read this or they will feel, ohh there is another productivity Blog! NOO This is not a productivity blog, This is Just a real-life Experience That I’m sharing, Hope you will Learn something Valuable so you don’t have to make the same mistake that I Did

Disclaimer: This is not AI-Generated This is Written by Me Hari you can call me Ham,1 May 2024 18:00 o’clock

Photo by Yura Fresh on Unsplash

Chapter 1: Cause

before going into a deep dive and knowing What steps you should take to avoid infinite scrolling *The worst algo for your mental health* first you have to under the cause and Where it began, before judging a tree by its upper part you have to understand the root and the history of the tree

I had a very bad routine of getting up late because of course, you guessed it right I was stuck in the addiction to smartphones and the net of internet, and when you get up late you don’t feel good about your own physical body, you feel lethargic and dull Because you wake up late

To get rid of that lethargic feeling you need some good feeling that can lift you up and when you feel good your emotions suddenly get pumped up like a rocket goes up when the scientist presses the button at the end of the countdown

after having breakfast I went to TikTok to pump up myself and my emotions so I could feel better, before open Tiktop I used to promise myself that I would only watch Tiktok for 10 min or so, and after 10 min I would surly close the app, and move to PC desktop to do my pending work

The promise was honest but my action never does!

It goes on and on and on for hours and now it is like a drug for me everyday get up from my bed take the phone and watch reels and shoot videos for hours without that I feel I will become sick, It is like an addiction as an alcoholic person can’t wait without alcohol

Chapter 2: Bull Gored

It has been a 1 week since I took a shower, now I becoming a person full of dullness on his body, a person who watches videos and shots all the time whenever if he has free time Because of that I become a guy who does nothing just eat sleep and watch his beloved smartphone

I thought that the more I watched or consumed content from the internet the more I would be an active guy who could do everything in just a matter of seconds but I was unable to see the opposite effect ever I think that time I feel the shame of my thinking and how unproductive I was back them when I was stuck in that loop

Time went on It was my exams and I realized I learned most of the things using reels and shots I was very happy and proud of myself that I learned my whole syllabus using technology’s invention I was like YUP I am the intellectual yet intelligent guy who knows how to use tech in a more effective and efficient manner

I did my exam after taking the exam I was thinking about how smart I am and those students do know it is my superpower to learn and understand everything just by watching 30 sec explanation

In the evening results came My mark was 75 out of 100 I was happy and I expected those marks, But When I reviewed my paper it seemed like some chatbot had written the paper someone who just remembered everything and just spit everything into the paper no unique style of write, no storytelling, no creativity, no human touch it was just damm answer!

Why I was Feeling bad Because I was good at writing especially when it comes to writing something creative, I all the time write in a way so the other person can relate to him or herself I always try to give some human touch some creative space but after seeing my paper I was feeling low very low, I was thinking that I am becoming a just machine who just write and don’t add his own way of writing and uniqueness

Chapter 3: Realization

I got to know that I would be a good student but not a good and unique man who has his own way of making stuff and doing something in his own manner

The Realization made me feel that I am doing wrong, I decided that I would spend 1 hour daily with myself, I wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea or whether it gonna be me I wasn’t aware of anything how I realized that I will spend 1 hour every day just sitting alone in peace and talk with my own self

That Idea of spending time with myself was a turning point When I started to spend some time with myself I realized that I started to talk with myself, It felt like I was talking to a guy whom I had known from the very beginning

I found that my inner self was damaged because of comparing myself to others looking at other videos and photos, taking lots of stress it becoming a fat person who doesn’t have any confidence that he/she can be a fit person again

7 days passed like a train going on its track at 370km speed, I started to see that it become a habit to talk with own self, now without talking for a day I felt like I was missing someone now my inner self was like my best buddy whom I share everything yes! dam everything, also I realized that my inner self started to give me some advice on what I did wrong where I was wrong where I have improved myself Which the stuff I did wrong is the alternative way to repay the bills and fulfill the mistake with my own good works

It is the end of 2nd week I saw I was very consistent with my new habit talk with the inner body and consuming less content from the internet sudden I realized that When I am spending my “Me Time” with my inner self I am not looking at the phone and I did for 14 days continuously it means that I didn’t watch or play anything on the phone while I was spending my “Me Time”
I was so damm happy that I achieved it that I didn’t look at it now I am not fully dependent on shorts, or reels to get some Dopamine, I found a way to detach myself from the internet and that evil Smartphone

Chapter 4: Building Stair

My inner self gave me three ideas that I called three pillars of your daily life

  1. See Yourself
  2. Improve Yourself
  3. Listen to Yourself

See Yourself

suddenly I found out that See yourself Meaning, Where I am heading, Where I am going, is it a good way or bad? is it a path towards a lovely life or it is like just small things that will boost you up for a moment but then they will give pain
take some moments you have 24 hours just take a couple of minutes to see where you are moving and which path you just took for yourself, don’t judge yourself by looking at where you going maybe it is a bath that gives you some small happy feeling in the short run but in the long run they are horrible, accept it doesn’t suddenly judge it, JUST SEE IT

Improve yourself

Now you see yourself and you are doing it for 1 week or so you observe your movement, your path, and your daily routine when you talk with your inner self about what you are doing, it is like a journal but here you have to just to you inner body what you did throughout the whole day
you will feel What things you did wrong and which things that you did will improve yourself, you know I remember a quote

“Every Question Have It Own Answer”

The moment you account yourself you will automatically realize where you are doing badly and where you have to improve the moment you feel that ok you have to do that this and this thing in that manner you are on track

but you have to also keep in mind that nothing happens overnight you have to first build habits for certain things that you are not used to it

Listen to yourself

every time your inner body is saying hey hey hey What you are doing enough of this shit, so just listen to it. the more you share your feelings thought with your inner self the more it will guide you

you prompt your bad habits to your inner self that you do on a daily basis after sharing it for quite a time you will notice that there is a voice who is guiding you, suggesting some alternative paths, saying “Hey you can do this apart of that” and if this is such voice just listen to it

it is coming from your heart you don’t have to put the filter on it just think about and do it whatever it is saying

these three things are now my food steps every day now I am used to it I started to find out some alternative ways to watch my phone and do something meaningful

I started to celebrate the small victory because now it gives the happy hormones

Chapter 5: Bottom Line

The Bottom Line is always to spend some amount of time with yourself and slowly you will start to see some changes in your daily life some little changes that will change your thinking style, personality, and behaviors

We all have 24 hours and 8 hours we spend sleeping 8 or 12 hours in our working life leaving only 4 hours that we distribute to our family friends and so on and so forth, but we never count our time

The bottom line idea is always be spend some minutes at least for ourselves with no smartphones, no friends, no music, and no TV only with you and an empty and alone room and just flow with your mind's ideas and try to be as casual as you can

You have to understand that social media platforms are built in the way so you can spend time on them, it are built with the mindset of random strategies ( That I will write in some other blog), when you have a goal then you will not distracted by anything but the time you start your life live in random and casual way the moment you took shelter in that social media trap

spending some time wakes you up from that randomness mode and make you realize that whatever whether scrolling and being watching that you start to consume over is bad

Hope you like it, pardon me I am a newbie in this writing game and publishing blog, I just want to share my own experience and the learning that I took from that experiences so people can realize as soon as they can and I can help someone
I am writing this down because I think I have so much to say but I am a little shy on camera and I like writing and reading so why not let’s start publishing blogs so here I just wrote this
apologies because my English and grammar are weak and I don’t have much experience in writing but I am trying so if you find any mistake in my writing please pardon me just think like I am a child who just started to learn how to walk, I am learning how to walk and I know I will fall multiple time but yeah with losing no one can learn anything




I Learn from life and try to share the same experience