Do this before learning reactjs

2 min readJun 16, 2021


if you plan like: I learn to’s good but make sure you do this before learning react

what is react?

Reactjs is a Javascript library. React used for making the user interface. With the help of react, you can make a complex application in a simple way.

so what can do before learning react

before learning react. you need to mastered Javascript. at least know the core fundamentals of Javascript like function, array, loops, operator, and more.

you things i master Javascript

one time one thing that I am master of Javascript but is not a programing language is never end learning. once you done the fundamentals like function, array, loops, operator etc then practice and solving problem in the internet platform like codewars, hakerrank and other website like this.

learn the map() method

you need to learn the map() method because this very useful method for Javascript Framework or library like reactjs this is a very useful array method you should master this and you should also master the array method.

Ternary Operator

if you learned javascript operator you also learned the ternary operator this is a very useful operator. the ternary operator is the shorter way of if-else. if you don’t learn it I highly suggest to go and learn ternary operator.

when you learn

once you completed all kinds of javascript fundamental. and you solve many problems and make projects with vanilla javascript. then you ready to go, remember one thing react is all about javascript, and react is a javascript library so make sure you have strong knowledge of javascript

where to learn react

there are many places to learn reactjs, some online courses on udemy or Youtube, freecodecamp. youtube and freecodecamp is free

thanks for reading this, share with other react learners and help them this article

-Your Hari om




I Learn from life and try to share the same experience